It Should Be Women’s History All Year Long, However…..
This March, for Women’s History Month. we have so much to celebrate, but also a lot to contend with. Our economic empowerment has never been more important as it is today. The numbers of female participation behind the camera have steadily increased since we became a non-profit in 2017, but they are showing signs of retreat. The film industry has a history of making incremental change, then backsliding and we #CantGoBack. In fact, we must move forward and make further progress faster.
Progress, or Stagnation
There is no greater barometer than the lack of representation of women behind the scenes at The Oscars in 2023. Truly, the world won’t stop spinning if more than one woman is nominated for Best Cinematography. And yes, there were superior films directed by women, especially women of color.
We want to show the world the power of women as a collective in the entertainment industry. We want to show the world the power of our members and greater community (that means men!) and our mission of parity and inclusion. You can participate by spreading the word through a #CantGoBack fundraising campaign.
How To Participate
Send a Text, email, and/or post to your social media with a link to our donation portal:
With Twitter and Facebook you can hot link to our donation portal. Instagram doesn’t hot link in the body of posts, so adding a link in the bio is optimum. If you need more than one link in your bio, we suggest using a multi link such as Linktree.
Share your reasons why we #CantGoBack by using photos of you (or a woman that you admire) working, receiving an award, from a WiM event or training that has made a difference in your life, one of the assets below, or even more powerfully, your own testimonial video. Follow the instructions below to post and set up your campaign. You can set your own goals for this campaign, and whether you do a $550 or $5050, or more you are getting us closer to 50/50 parity in the entertainment industry. We appreciate your contributions and continued support showing that we #CantGoBack.
Sample Language below but feel free to use your own creativity!
Suggested Posts
This #WomensHistoryMonth I’m supporting Women In Media because the entertainment industry has a habit of finding excuses not to hire women and recognize our talent. Join me in donating to the organization that is making a difference because we #CantGoBack
Text, Instagram and Facebook:
I love my job as a (insert your job here). I work hard and prove my worth everyday. This #WomensHistoryMonth I’m supporting Women In Media because the entertainment industry has a habit of finding excuses not to hire women and recognize our talent. Join me in donating to the organization that is making a difference because we #CantGoBack.
Text, Instagram and Facebook:
This is (woman that you admire in the entertainment industry). Her work on (add project that she worked on) is exemplary and needs to be recognized. This #WomensHistoryMonth I’m supporting Women In Media because the entertainment industry has a habit of finding excuses not to hire women and recognize their talent. When talent isn’t nurtured and acknowledged, we all lose. Join me in donating to the organization that is making a difference because we #CantGoBack.
Hashtags to use
#cantgoback #hirethesewomen #parityinaction #womencallaction #womeninmedia
Photos by Ashly Covington
Drag to your desktop, or Click on the image of your choice below to use for your donation campaign to download!