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Camera, Direction, Virtual Production, Virtual Reality
Virtual production, stunts, live action, VFX, Sheros, compelling edge of your seat stories. Narrative features and series.
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Various Virtual Production projects - see website
Broken Angel, Feature, Telefilm - DOP, Gaffer, Camera Op
Boundless, narrative short film - DOP, CameraOp + Producer
Tempted By Danger, LifeTime Movies, LifeTime TV - DOP+CameraOp
Frankie Drake Mysteries, CBC, narrative, web series to launch the series - DOP+CameraOp
Amazing Race Canada - Multi-award winning - Racer CamOp + Field director

Boundless - multiple film festival awards
Liam and May - multiple film festival awards
CSC - Frankie Drake Mysteries, Best Cinematography nomination
CSC - Klondike Trappers, Best Cinematography nomination
CSC - Glorious short, Best Cinematography nomination
Telly Award - Curse of the Frozen Gold, Best Cinematography award

Personal Details


Los Angeles, New York, London/Edinburgh UK, Toronto, Vancouver.

United States, United Kingdom, Canada
English, Spanish, French, Scottish Gaelic

Self represented, please contact directly.

UK mobile: +44 07376 493 473
US mobile: 323-688-9287
CA mobile: +1-416-788-84870 on WHATSAPP MOST ACCESSIBLE

Work Details


IATSE Associate member, Canadian Society of Cinematographers Associate member, ASC Vision Mentorship Program Mentee

Cinematographer, Camera Operator, Gaffer
Virtual Production Supervisor, Virtual Camera Operator
VR Tech

Twenty-five plus years of industry experience from PA to DP/Director/Writer/Producer; focus on Cinematography. Across all genres, commercial, reality, docs and scripted features and series.

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Also here for an interview:

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