SCRIPT SUPERVISOR: Along Came Wanda (Amazon), Blood and Glory (Tribeca), The Mission (ASC StEM2), Choices*, Random Check*, Illipino*, Afro**, Charlie and the Hunt**
*Hollyshorts **American Filmmaker Showcase @ Cannes
ADD'L SCRIPT SUPERVISOR: Trees of Peace (Netflix)
WRITER/PRODUCER/ACTOR: Vadgevertising (5 fest wins), Baked Goodes ( "Afternoon Delight")
Blackmagic Collective Filmmaker Advancement Fellow
AWARD OF RECOGNITION: Best Shorts Awards, IndieFEST Film Awards
BEST DARK COMEDY TELEPLAY: Houston Comedy FilmFestival
FINALIST: New Faces, New Voices, Best Dark Comedy Micro Short - Houston Comedy FilmFestival
SEMIFINALIST: Cameraderie Act1, Filmmatic Comedy Awards, Your Script Produced!
Work Details
An AWARD-WINNING writer, performer and professional SCRIPT SUPERVISOR, Caryn Ruby has worked alongside OSCAR and EMMY AWARD-WINNING crew on award-winning projects, including WOMEN IN MEDIA’s Camaraderie initiative GRAND PRIZE WINNING FILMS "Charlie and the Hunt" (American Filmmaker Showcase @ Cannes) and “Blood and Glory,”(Tribeca) and “The Mission,” The AMERICAN SOCIETY of CINEMATOGRAPHER’s new Standard Evaluation Material (StEM2) film.
Caryn’s NEW PODCAST, “Script Supervisors: Unsung Heroes of Film & TV” highlighting the rarely acknowledged, but incredibly important department head position, debuted in August 2022 to FIVE STAR RAVE REVIEWS.
Some of her writing accolades include BEST DARK COMEDY TELEPLAY at the Houston Comedy Film Festival, QUARTERFINALIST in the prestigious INROADS SCREENWRITING FELLOWSHIP, FINALIST in the NEW FACES, NEW VOICES festival, and SEMIFINALIST in Women In Media’s Cameraderie Act 1 competition.