
Cinemoves Remote Head and Crane Class

Cinemoves 2320 Shasta Way, Simi Valley, CA, United States

On March 23rd, Women In Media and the ASC Vision Committee took a group of WIM members and POC working in the camera department to Cinemoves for a hands on workshop.

J.L. Fisher Dolly Class

J.L. Fisher 1000 W. Isabel St, Burbank, CA, United States

December 2nd,  2017 - J.L. Fisher, Inc. Please join us for a dolly class at J.L. Fisher! We will cover the basic operation of the model 10 and 11 dollies, dolly accessories, and how to safely get a dolly on tracks. Additionally, we'll cover building a jib arm on the dolly with a center mount. There will […]


WiM Self-Defense Class with Toy Lei

Toy Lei Plummer Park 7377, Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood, CA, United States

  November 5th,  2017 - West Hollywood, CA With the rash of allegations of sexual misconduct against multiple men in our industry, women are feeling vulnerable. We are offering a class that will give you tools and confidence to avoid conflict and have methods to fight back and get away safely. This class is free […]

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